
projekt világszerte


év szerepvállalás




ember, akinek reményt adtunk

Actions and deeds, not words – these are the guiding principles which define Hungary's humanitarian and developmental role, as solidarity can only be authentic in the form of tangible and visible assistance. It is our belief that we have a responsibility regarding the innocent suffering in developing countries and crisis areas. We stand in universal solidarity with all people, but as a millennial Christian nation, we are particularly concerned about helping persecuted Christians around the world. Through the Hungary Helps Program, the Hungarian Government has taken up this challenge.

Tristan Azbej

State Secretary for the Aid of Persecuted Christians
Working within the context of sustainable development, humanitarian action, and peacekeeping, we believe that building and strengthening the resilience of the most vulnerable communities helps to address the root causes and consequences of conflict. Building on our growing international experience, we are open to implement further bilateral and multilateral humanitarian and development projects, especially with organisations from the V4 countries and other EU members. We believe that by working with our partners we can help people in need.

Péter Kovács

Director General of Helps Agency Non-Profit Pllc.

Our Projects Worldwide

Below, you can track the countries where we are present, the intensity of our activities, and the specific initiatives we are involved in. Additionally, you can see which countries offer our Scholarship Program. By clicking on the countries, you can access detailed information.



Supporting Hungary Helps activities

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Projects in Pictures
Hungary Helps
Hungary Helps
Hungary Helps
Hungary Helps
Hungary Helps
Hungary Helps
Hungary Helps
Hungary Helps
Hungary Helps
Hungary Helps
Hungary Helps
Hungary Helps