About the Programme

Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People (SCYP)


The Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People (SCYP) was founded in 2017 by the Government of Hungary.
The programme was established by Government Decree 120/2017 (VI.1) and is managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade - State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians. The programme was implemented with the support of the Tempus Public Foundation until 4 August 2020. Pursuant to Government Decree No. 1450/2020 (28.VII.), the Scholarship Programme is administered by Hungary Helps Agency Nonprofit Zrt. as of 5 August 2020, by succession, pursuant to Article 2 of the Government Decree.
The core mission of the SCYP is to provide opportunities to pursue higher education studies in Hungarian host institutions for Christian youth living in crisis regions of the world or being threatened in their countries because of their faith. After completing their studies, the scholarship holders can become the catalysts of the development of their countries and contribute to building capacities and strengthening resilience at the local level with their knowledge acquired in Hungary upon return to their homelands.

Core Mission

What do we offer?

Currently, more than 200 students are studying in the framework of the Programme from 14 different countries: Syria, Pakistan, Iraq, Israel and Palestine, Lebanon, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, Armenia, Ghana, Chad, Niger, Nicaragua. The scholarship holders can take part in a wide range of education programmes taught in English, such as medical and health sciences, engineering, architecture, social science, economics, agriculture, arts and humanities and information technology. The program offers approximately 200 courses at 14 universities in Hungary, covering all higher education fields at all degrees offered, from bachelor to doctoral level.
Tuition fees are fully covered by the programme and the scholarship holders also receive support for travelling and accommodation costs.

The Scholarship Programme in Numbers

About Hungary Helps Program
