General Terms and Conditions

This General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC) contains the conditions for using the noncash payment instrument (hereinafter: bank card) and the donation option that may be provided by transfer available on the website
The purpose of the Hungary Helps Agency Nonprofit Ltd. (hereinafter: Agency), as the operator of the website, is to introduce the Hungary Helps Program. The Hungary Helps Program is Hungary’s international humanitarian program. The Hungarian government launched the helping Hungary program in 2017 with the purpose of providing effective support in crisis areas and man-made or natural disasters.

1. Details of the Agency

Name: Hungary Helps Ügynökség Nonprofit Zrt. (Hungary Helps Agency Nonprofit Ltd.) Registered seat: 1011 Budapest, Szilágyi Dezső tér 1. Tax number: 26705231241 Company registration number: 01-10-140251 Language of the contract: Hungarian Customer service:

2. Concepts

For the purposes of this GTC:
Donation: contribution provided in cash, free of charge, in support of the objectives and activities of the Agency as defined in the Statutes of the Agency.
Donor: natural or legal person who provides Donation to the Agency.
Donation: the Donor provides Donation to the Agency by bank card or bank transfer only for the general support of the objectives and operation of the Agency defined in the Statues of the Agency on the donation interface, or for an objective selected from the objectives specified in the donation interface.
Donation interface: a website called domain operated by the Hungary Helps Agency, where the donation is provided by means of a noncash payment instrument (hereinafter: bank card) or bank transfer.
Service provider: in the case of donations provided by a bank card, the service provider operating the payment interface is Global Payment.
Card Present Transaction: the Card Present (hereinafter: CP) transaction is made by using a POS terminal device. After swiping the card and entering the PIN code, the terminal contacts the cardholder’s bank through the authorization center and, depending on the card type and the card issuer, through the VISA or MasterCard network. This is when the validity and coverage check (authorization) takes place. Going back on the former route, the POS terminal (or the merchant) receives the approval or rejection. The buyer signs the certificate.
Card not Present transaction: The Card not Present (hereinafter: CNP) is a transaction during which the bank card is not physically present. This includes transactions carried out by letter, telephone or electronically (Internet), in which case the customer (cardholder) initiates the transaction by entering the card details on a secure (128-bit encrypted) payment page. The authorization number received for a successful transaction is the same as the number on the paper-based certificate.
Visitor: A person who got knowledge of the content of the website in part or in full.
Share: Dissemination and promotion of the Fundraising through social media channel or email.
Sharer: A Visitor who promotes Fundraising through his/her own social media channel or email.

3. Scope of the General Terms and Conditions

The provisions of this GTC shall apply to donations made by the Donor.

4. Common rules for donation on the donation interface

4.1. The Donor may make a donation after the acceptance of this GTC. If the Donor does not declare the recognition and acceptance of the provisions of the GTC or does not accept it, the donation will be interrupted by the donation interface.
4.2. The Donation may be provided by CNP transaction or bank transfer. CNP donations may be made with MasterCard, Visa and Maestro bank cards.
4.3. A maximum of HUF 1,000,000 may be donated to the Agency in one amount with the CNP transaction. The donations exceeding this amount shall be accepted in advance and the Donor shall be notified thereof.
4.4. In the case specified in point 4.3., i.e. if the amount to be donated exceeds HUF 1,000,000, the donation interface will interrupt the donation. The Agency will contact the Donor by an automatic message, informing that the Agency will make a decision on the acceptance of the donation in accordance with the relevant legislation and will notify the Donor in writing of its decision.
4.5. If the acceptance of the donation requires a preliminary decision and the Donor pays or transfers the amount before the decision and the donation is rejected, the Agency will retransfer the donation to the Donor. The cost of the retransfer shall be borne by the Donor.
4.6. The Donor provides the donation by choosing from the objectives indicated on the donation interface, therefore, the donation is tied to use, the Agency may only use the amount of the donation for the specified objective. During the automatic contact, the Donor may determine objectives other than those that can be determined on the donation interface only in the case of a lump sum donation exceeding HUF 1,000,000. The objectives that may be determined on the donation interface are:
„Helping Persecuted Christians”
„Helping victims of all-time humanitarian disasters”
“Supporting humanitarian activities”
„Supporting the operation of the Hungary Helps Agency”
4.7. In the case of sub-points 1-3. of point 4.6., the Agency may spend up to 10% of the amount of the donation on its own operations.

5. Special rules for donation on the donation interface

5.1. CNP transaction
5.1.1. After pressing the “Support” button, the Donor will see the donor form, which shall be completed. The following information shall be provided on the donor form:
Name of the Donor
Address of the Donor (with country)
Phone number of the Donor
Email address of the Donor
Purpose of the donation
Amount of the donation
5.1.2. The Agency processes the data specified in point 5.1.1. in accordance with Chapter 3 of the Data Protection Regulation regulated by the no. 8/2020. CEO’s instruction on the issuance of data protection regulation of the Hungary Helps Agency Nonprofit Ltd.
5.1.3. The form is completed by pressing the submit button, where, after reading and accepting the Data Protection Information and this GTC, the system redirects the Donor to the service provider’s bank card interface, where the Donor needs to provide the bank card information, which is required for the donation. The data of the bank card are not known and not processed by the Agency, the rules of the conditions of the bank card payment are contained in the Service Provider’s GTC.
5.2. Donation by bank transfer: After pressing the “Support” button, the Donor will see the donor form, which shall be completed. The following information shall be provided on the donor form:
Name of the Donor
Address of the Donor (with country)
Phone number of the Donor
Email address of the Donor
Purpose of the donation
Amount of the donation
5.2.1. The Agency processes the data specified in point 5.2. in accordance with Chapter 3 of the Data Protection Regulation regulated by the no. 8/2020. CEO’s instruction on the issuance of data protection regulation of the Hungary Helps Agency Nonprofit Ltd.
5.2.2. The form is completed by pressing the submit button, where, after reading and accepting the Data Protection Information and this GTC, the system sends an automatic thank you message containing the bank details required for the bank transfer:
Erste Bank Zrt. SWIFT: GIBAHUHB HUF: IBAN: HU40-11600006-00000000-85123111 USD: IBAN: HU66 11600006-00000000-85515105 EUR: IBAN: HU65 11600006-00000000-85515026

6. Contact information

Contact of the Agency:
The Agency communicates with Visitors and Donors through the website, electronically or by telephone.

7. Final provisions

The Agency is entitled to amend this GTC by publishing the new version on the website.
Budapest, May 2021
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