Celebrating the end of the exam period, our ESC volunteers decided to take a few students on a trip around the world. At the Lumina Park we had the opportunity to go from Europe across to Asia then to Africa all in a couple of hours. It is a magical park where you can take an unforgettable stroll through a fairytale world created by a special light and sound show.
Although the exam period was over, our students still wanted to learn, so a few weeks later we visited the worldwide famous exchibition the „Body Worlds”, where we were able to see the human body and how it works from a whole new perspective. The exhibition is uniquely curated by Dr. Angelina Whalley to show diseases and ailments that affect individuals most frequently and to show the fragility, resilience and strength of the human body. The extraordinary real specimens demonstrate the complexity, resilience and vulnerability of the human body in distress, disease and optimal health (source: bodyworlds.com).
The selection of programmes is always based on student feedback. Volunteers will continue to organise many similar interesting programmes in the future, and all interested scholars are welcome to participate.