• Assistance to victims of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria
  • Assistance to refugees of the Russo-Ukrainian war
  • Support the activities of the Hungary Helps Program

The Hungary Helps Program

Welcoming remarks by Tristan Azbej

We are not abandoning innocent people suffering. We protect communities threatened by religious or other persecution, violence, catastrophes or the effects of migration. We are bound by our thousand-year-old Christian heritage, by our moral duty resulting from this heritage and also by the general principles of humanity. As a result, the Hungarian government is taking an active part in international humanitarian assistance efforts based on a specific national model called Hungary Helps, the initiative for providing Hungarian assistance. The migration and humanitarian policies of the Hungarian government go hand in hand. We are not advocating that people in need should leave their homelands. Rather, we are promoting that they should stay in their home countries or return there. It is our firm and consistent principle that help should be provided where trouble is instead of bringing people in trouble to Europe and to our country.

Our results confirm this approach: our humanitarian assistance provided through the Hungary Helps Program has enabled 500,000 people to stay in their homelands or return there.

Our website is designed to present the achievements of the Hungary Helps Program but it also makes it possible to look beyond numbers and itemised lists and see the faces and stories behind. This is what gives our Program’s supporters and partners reinforcement so that they could continue their philanthropic activities in a committed way and sustain their mission helping persecuted Christians and other communities in need.

State Secretary for the Aid of Persecuted Christians